Meet JAWA Alum Don Nielsen
JAWA Celebrates 70 Years
Author: Katya Turnbow
Community Involvement
Monday, 16 Oct 2023

Image caption: Don Nielsen (left) as elected president of A.S.U.W. at the University of Washington
When did you participate in JA programs, and what did you learn?
I was in the program for four years in the early 1950’s. It was an evening program that ran from 7:00 to 9:00 pm every Tuesday. We formed companies, manufactured and sold products, and paid dividends if we made money on those sales. We had several adult mentors from different industries and businesses who guided us through the experience, and during those four years, I learned a lot about business, sales, and leadership.
What impact did JA participation have on your life and your career?
Prior to my enrollment in JA, I was planning on being an engineer. After four years with the program, I changed my college major to business and became interested in being an entrepreneur - which is what I did.

Image caption: Don Nielsen (right) during a grand opening of Hazleton Corporation in France
Why would you encourage others to participate in JA programs?
It was a life-altering experience for me. I was “CEO” of a company for four years before I even graduated from high school, and that prepared me for the role of a real CEO later in my career. What young people learn in JA programs can be beneficial for everyone regardless of their career aspirations. Students learn skills and knowledge that are extremely valuable in life and careers but are not taught in schools.
What are your hopes for the future of JA in Washington State?
The curriculum taught in these programs is only available in our state from JA. Most schools do not offer this type of experience, and even if they do teach “personal financial management” classes, there are few teachers qualified to teach the subject. JA programs teach essential life skills and expose students to many career options. I hope every student in Washington State can have exposure to the experiences provided by JA.

Image caption: Don Nielsen speaks at the 2023 Dare to Dream Dinner & Auction
Don Nielsen is chair of the American Center for Transforming Education at the Discovery Institute, a former president of the Seattle Public Schools Board, and author of “Every School: One Citizen’s Guide to Transforming Education."
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